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Fluorescent starter is essentially two bimetallic strips in a sealed glass capsule, with a small gap between them.
The principle of this experiment is Metal expansion and contraction .
1- 12 volt CPU Fan.
2- 12 Volt supply.
3- Fluorescent starter.
4- Candle.
1- Break the starter glass and try to not damage the metal inside (Take
all safety precaution when you do that to avoid any injury).
2- Make sure that there is a small gap between two metal as shown in attached picture.
3- Connect the circuit as attached in the first circuit diagram and fix the starter about 2 cm above the candle.
When the candle lighted up ,the starter metal will expand and attached
together , the fan will turn on and turn off the candle ,the two metal
will de-attach and turn off the fan.
Note that CPU fan is a brush less dc motor and it will not cause spark
in starting ,the spark can damage the metal and it will not work for
long time ,so if you connect a load that take more current and cause a
spark in the starter you can use transistor showed in the
last diagram to avoid this issue .
if you find this tutorial useful to you , please vote for it in the Electronics Tips & Tricks contest.
have some broken small RC car without remote control and I was
interesting to hack the H-bridge of these car and connect them to micro
controller circuit in order to make for example a line follower robot
or obstacle avoidance robot.
The common circuit of RC car consist of :
1-Receiver circuit which is define the frequency that the car will work on( for example 40Mhz or 27 Mhz).
2-Controller chip (De-Multiplexer circuit).
3-Dual H-bridge circuit for driving two DC motor (one for backward ,forward and the other for the steering).
you can see that from the above picture, it's a little complicated to
find the base of transistors that will make the motor work ,also it
will take a lot of time, so instead of that I download datasheet of the
controller and from chip pins diagram we can trace the H-bridge pins
RX-2 Controller Chip:
RX-2 is a five function receiver chip work as a De-multiplexer and the
multiplexer of this chip called TX-2 which is located in the remote
control of the RC car .it's a very interesting IC and compatible with
RF and infrared (check attached datasheet ).
Now from the pin diagram shown in the next picture you can locate the
pins of H-Bride (PIN 6 ,7 for right and left ) and (PIN 10,11 for
backward and forward).
By connecting +5 volt to these pins you will be able to control the
motors but be careful don't connect 5 volt to right and left or backward
and forward on the same time ,you might burn your circuit (depend on
circuit design) .
Now you can remove RX-2 chip and connect the H-bridge pins to a micro
controller but it's better to connect a 330 ohm resistor between them
for current limitation.
if you like or find this tutorial useful to you , please vote for it in the Electronics Tips & Tricks contest.